WELCOME! We are glad you're here!

    SARDIS BAPTIST CHURCH has a rich history; dating back before the formation of Hart County itself. Over the decades, we've seen generations of families come to Christ and serve Him faithfully. Time and again, the Lord has been generous in His mercy and grace to our church.

    Dr. John Yarbrough serves as our transitional pastor as we look forward with great excitement about what's next. We would love to have you and your family join us on this exciting journey as we seek to follow God's will and reach out to our community proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ!

    We have age appropriate SUNDAY SCHOOL classes at 10 am. SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP is at 11:00 am, Our worship music is a mix of traditional and contemporary. CHILDREN, YOUTH, MEN and WOMEN'S  bible studies/activities on Wednesday evenings begin at 6:30 pm.

    We LIVE stream our Sunday Morning Worship beginning at 10:52AM on YouTube and  Facebook Subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

    We hope through visiting us, you will experience the hope, love and joy that comes from a community of people who love Jesus!